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Randy Gardner, JD, LLM, MBA, CPA, Of Counsel

Randy Gardner earned his BA degree, cum laude, from Harvard University; his JD and MBA degrees from the University of Kansas; and his Master of Laws in Taxation from the University of Missouri - Kansas City. He is also a graduate of Georgia State University's Master Teacher Program. Since 1983, Randy has served as an estate planning attorney for thousands of individuals and their advisers. He was formerly a tax and wealth management adviser with Arthur Young (now Ernst & Young LLP).

Randy is also a Professor of Tax and Financial Planning, Director of the Certificate in Financial Planning Program at the University of Missouri - Kansas City, and nationally-recognized continuing education discussion leader for CPAs, attorneys, and financial planners. He is coauthor of the books, 101 Tax Saving Ideas, Tools and Techniques of Income Tax Planning, and WealthCounsel Estate Planning Strategies. He was recognized as Educator of the Year by the Missouri Society of CPAs.

Randy serves on the Editorial Boards of The Journal of Financial Planning and National Underwriter's Tax Facts, is a former member of the Council on Examinations of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, and is a member of the AICPA and the Missouri Society of CPAs. He has written scores of articles for publications such as The Journal of Financial Planning, Taxation for Accountants, Practical Tax Strategies, and Tax Adviser.

Books and Refereed Publications

"Your Parents' Estate Plan," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2011, Volume 24, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"The Portable Exemption and the Vanishing Bypass Trust," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2011, Volume 24, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

101 Tax Saving Ideas - Tenth Edition, Wealth Builders Press, LLC, 2011 (with Julie Welch). Earlier editions published in alternating years since 1994.

"Protecting Your Child's Inheritance: The Beneficiary-Controlled Trust," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2011, Volume 24, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Education Incentives for 2010," CPA Magazine, Tax Season 2011, Volume 9, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Capital Gains for Noncorporate Taxpayers," CPA Magazine, November 2010, Volume 9, Issue 5 (with Julie Welch).

"Are Your Client Files Clean?," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2010, Volume 23, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Retirement Plan Alternatives for 2010," CPA Magazine, October 2010, Volume 9, Issue 4 (with Julie Welch).

"How to Determine if You Can Claim a Dependent," CPA Magazine, August/September 2010, Volume 9, Issue 3 (with Julie Welch).

"Choosing the Right Business Entity for You," CPA Magazine, June/July 2010, Volume 9, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch).

"Tax Ramifications and Opportunities Under the New Healthcare Act," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2010, Volume 23, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Change Your Planning Strategy for Clients Subject to the AMT," CPA Magazine, April/May 2010, Volume 9, Issue 1 (with Julie Welch).

"Keeping the Vacation Home in the Family - Another Use of Limited Liability Companies," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2010, Volume 23, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Get Something for Nothing with the Standard Deduction," CPA Magazine, Tax Season 2010, Volume 8, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Right Strategies Can Maximize Your Charitable Gifts," Ingram's Magazine, December 2009.

"Twelve Indicators You Need to Update Your Estate Plan," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2009, Volume 22, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Many Planning Opportunities Available in the Government's Response to the Economic Downturn," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2009, Volume 22, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

The Tools and Techniques of Income Tax Planning, The National Underwriter Company, 2009, Third Edition (with Stephan Leimberg, Martin Satinsky, Michael Jackson, Sonya King, Joseph Stenken, and John Fenton). Earlier editions were published in 2004 and 2006.

"Tax Aspects of Life Settlement Arrangements," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2009, Volume 22, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch and Neil Covert).

"If Your Home is Dropping in Value, Convert It to a Rental," CPA Magazine, Tax Season 2009, Volume 7, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Many Estate Planning Strategies Provide Benefits in Low-Interest-Rate Environment," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2008, Volume 21, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch and Leslie Daff).

"Trustees, Cars, and the Tax Tail," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2008, Volume 21, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch and Bill Conway).

"Recent Developments in Long-Term Care Expenses," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2008, Volume 21, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch and John Salter).

"Small Business Tax Act Includes Incentives But Extends Kiddie Tax Again," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2007, Volume 20, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch).

"Recent Health Care Developments Favor Taxpayers," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2007, Volume 20, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Recent Developments Help Avoid the Double Tax on Income in Respect of Decedent," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2007, Volume 20, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch).

"How to Avoid the Kiddie Tax, Even With Extended Age," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2006, Volume 19, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch).

"IRS Issues Roth 401(k) Guidance," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2006, Volume 19, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Energy Concerns and Disaster Drive 2005 Tax Changes," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2006, Volume 19, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch).

"How To Save Taxes By Hiring Junior," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2005, Volume 18, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch).

"Increasing After-Tax Return With Exchange Traded Funds," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2005, Volume 18, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"Working with the New Sales Tax Election," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2005, Volume 18, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch).

"Alternative Minimum Tax - The Surprise Tax," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2004, Volume 17, Issue 10 (with Julie Welch).

"New Health Savings Accounts Can Reduce the Cost of Medical Care," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2004, Volume 17, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch), CPA, CFP®, and Denise Garcia, CFP®).

"Choosing the Right Retirement Plan for a Self-Employed Individual," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2004, Volume 17, Issue 2 (with Julie Welch).

"The 2003 Tax Act: A Handful of Provisions, An Abundance of Opportunities," The Journal of Financial Planning, October 2003, Volume 16, Issue 10, (with Julie Welch).

"Caring for Elderly Relatives: Using the Tax Laws to Save the Most for a Family," The Journal of Financial Planning, June 2003, Volume 16, Issue 6 (with Julie Welch).

"The Decision to Pay Points When Borrowing," The Journal of Financial Planning, April 2003, Volume 16, Issue 6 (with John Clark).

"IRS Ruling May Change Structure of Employer Health Plans," The Journal of Financial Planning, February 2003, Volume 16, Issue 2, (with Julie Welch).

"My Biggest Concerns for Seniors," The Best Times (syndicated to Sense for Seniors), January 2003.

"New Rules Affect Dependent Care Credit or Exclusion Choice," RIA Tax Ideas, November 2002, (stylistically changed, online version of the October 2002 Practical Tax Strategies article).

"New Rules Affect Dependent Care Credit or Exclusion Choice," Tax Strategies, October 2002, Volume 69, Issue 4.

"A Bonus from the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act," The Journal of Financial Planning, August 2002 (with Julie Welch), Volume 15, Issue 8.

"Social Security Representation," EA Journal, March/April 2001 (with Brenda Schafer), Volume 18, Number 10.

"Social Security Planning," EA Journal, November/December 2000 (with Brenda Schafer), Volume 18, Number 8.

"What Every Tax Professional Should Know About Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid," EA Journal, September/October 2000 (with Brenda Schafer), Volume 18, Number 7.

Book Edits and Reviews

Tax Facts, by the Editors of The National Underwriter Company, 2010 and 2011.

WealthCounsel Estate Planning Strategies, by the attorneys of WealthCounsel (Leslie Daff, co-editor), 2009.

Personal Finance Workbook for Dummies, by Sheryl Garrett, CFP®, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2007.

Just Give Me The Answer$, by Sheryl Garrett, CFP®, et al, Dearborn, 2004.

West's Federal Taxation Tax Update: 2004 American Jobs Creation Act Overview and Cross-Reference, November 2004.

Personal Financial Planning: Theory and Practice - Third Edition, by Michael Dalton, et al., Bisys Publications, 2004.

Dalton Review for the CFP® Certification Exam - Volumes I & II, by Michael Dalton, et al., Bisys Publications, March 2003.

Estate Planning and Taxation, by John Bost, Kendall/Hunt, April 1999.

Wealth Transfers, by Brenda Schafer, H & R Block, Inc., April 1999.

Income Taxation of Estates and Trusts, by Brenda Schafer, H & R Block, Inc., January 1999.

Tax Aspects of Divorce and Separation, by Roland L. Hjorth and George R. Levie, a CPE course published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, June 1989.

Basic Tax Research, by Kevin Murphy, a Continuing Professional Education course published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, June 1988.

West's Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes, by William H. Hoffman, Jr. and Eugene Willis, West Publishing Company, 1986.


Presenter, "Advanced Personal Financial Planning Update," California Society of CPAs, Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Keynote Speaker, "Estate Planning Update," Garrett Planning Network Webinar Education Series, June 2011.

Keynote Speaker, Keynote Speaker, "Tax and Estate Planning Update," Laguna Beach Rotary International meeting, March 2011.

Keynote Speaker, "Tax and Estate Planning Update," Houston Financial Planning Association, February 2011.

Keynote Speaker, "Trends to Watch in 2011," Thrivent Financial Planning Network, February 2011.

Presenter, "Annual Tax Update," Financial Planning Association of Greater Kansas City, January 2011 (with Julie Welch). We have provided this update annually for the past eight years.

Keynote Speaker, "Tax and Estate Planning Update," Bisk Financial Planning Network, December 2010.

Keynote Speaker, "Tax and Estate Planning Update," Jacksonville Financial Planning Association, November 2010.

Keynote Speaker, "Estate Planning Update," Lawrence Memorial Hospital Foundation Annual Meeting, November 2010.

Keynote Speaker, Keynote Speaker, "Income and Estate Tax Planning Update," South Orange County Bar Association, May 2009.

Keynote Speaker, "Income Tax Planning Update," Harris Bank Tax Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2008, August 2008, and January 2009.

Presenter, "Individual Income Tax Update," Financial Planning Association, Boston Annual Conference, October 2008.

Keynote Speaker, "Estate Planning Update," Garrett Planning Network Annual Conference, August 2008.

Panel Participant, "Is the CFP® Exam Getting Easier?" CFP® Board Directors' Conference, August 2008.

Keynote Speaker, "Estate Planning Update," WealthCounsel Annual Estate Planning Symposium, June 2008.

Keynote Speaker, "Individual Income Tax Update," Financial Planning Association Regional Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2008.

Keynote Speaker, "Crisis Estate Planning," Red River Estate Planning Conference, Fargo, North Dakota, March 2008.

Course Author and Instructor of a variety of tax, estate, and retirement planning continuing education courses for CPAs, including Surgent/McCoy Tax Seminars, 92 presentations, 1995-2008.

Presenter, "Open Session - CFP® Examination Changes," CFP® Board Directors' Conference, August 2007.

Keynote Speaker, "Are You Ready When Your Clients Really Need It?," Financial Planning Association of Minnesota Symposium 2006, November 2006.

Presenter, "Current Tax, Legislative Issues, and Planning Strategies," Financial Planning Association Retreat 2005, May 2005.

Course Instructor, "Tax, Retirement, and Estate Planning," Dalton/BISYS/Kaplan CFP® Examination Reviews, 43 3-day presentations from 2001 - 2005.

Presenter, "Health Savings Accounts," Financial Planning Association of Greater Kansas City, August 2004.

Presenter, "Individual Alternative Minimum Tax Planning Strategies," Financial Planning Association of Dallas-Fort Worth, August 2004.

Moderator, "Conference Participant's Session," CFP® Board Directors' Conference, August 2004.

Panel Participant, "Ensuring Academic Integrity," CFP® Board Directors' Conference, August 2004.

Panel Participant, "Garnering Support for Your Financial Planning Program," CFP® Board Directors' Conference, August 2003.

Presenter, "Tax Planning for Small Business," Missouri Society of CPAs Financial Planning Association Investment Conference, May 2003.

Presenter, "What You Are Getting When You Hire a CFP®," Missouri Society of CPAs, May 2003.

Presenter, "Tax Law Update," Johnson County Rotary International Breakfast, December 2002.

Co-host, H & R Block Financial Living Seminars, five satellite presentations to H & R Block's field offices world wide, 2002.

Course Instructor, "1040 Workshop," Kansas Society of CPAs, December 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.

Discussion Leader, AICPA National Tax Education Program, University of Illinois, in June 1988, 1989, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.

Presenter, "Tax Advantages of Going Into Business For Yourself," for Citigroup Financial Services, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, and 2001.

Presenter, "Current Tax Developments," American Business Womens' Association, February 1999 and 2000.

Keynote Speaker, "Integrating Tax and Financial Planning," Missouri Society of CPAs Annual Convention, June 1999.

Presenter, "Tax Planning for Self-Employed Individuals," Womens' Realty Council, January 1999.

Media Appearances

Radio Show Guest, Randy Hallier's "Bottom Line," KMBZ 980-AM, participated monthly from January 2007 - December 2009.

Subject of or quoted in articles which appeared in Smart Money, Parade Magazine, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post Dispatch, CPA Magazine, Springfield News Leader, The Lawrence Journal World, The Kansas City Star, The Olathe Daily News, The Sun, and The Topeka Capital Journal, December 1993 through the present following the ten publications of 101 Tax Saving Ideas.

Featured Guest on "Peter Newman's Moneyline" on KMBZ-AM, "The Mike Murphy Show" on KCMO-AM, "The Walt Bodine Show" on KCUR-FM National Public Radio, "Kansas City Concerns" on KCMO-FM, and "Darcy Blake's Around Kansas City" on KUDL-FM, and dozens of other radio interviews, 1994 through the present following the ten publications of 101 Tax Saving Ideas.

Interviewed numerous times on Fox 4, Telecable-Channel 30, and KCTV-Channel 5 concerning tax and estate planning ideas, 1994 through the present.

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