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Estate Tax Calculator

This tool is provided to help estimate potential estate taxes and should not be relied upon without the assistance of a qualified estate tax professional. Unless specifically stated, this calculator does not estimate separate estate or inheritance taxes which are levied in many states. A properly crafted estate plan may significantly reduce potential estate tax liabilities.


Annual growth rate of your estate

Estimated Date of Death

Assets in Your Name

Real Estate


(ex., market value of primary residence, vacation home)

Bank Account


(ex., checking, savings, CDs)

Retirement Investments


(ex. IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Keoghs, current value of deferred annuities)

Non-Retirement Investments


(ex., stocks, bonds, mutual funds)

Personal Property


(ex., autos, boats, art, jewelry)

Business Ownership Interests


(ex., closely held business interests)

Other Assets


(ex. potential inheritance)

Your Liabilities



(ex. home(s), equity loan)



(ex. auto, credit card)

Other Debt


Life Insurance on Your Life

Life Insurance Proceeds
insured is the owner


Life Insurance Proceeds
insured is NOT the owner


Charitable Bequests from Your Estate

Total Bequests


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352 3rd Street, Suite 301, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
| Phone: (949) 497-5056
19200 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612
| Phone: (949) 497-5056
10161 W. Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145
| Phone: (949) 497-5056

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